How Chrome Won The War Of Browsers

Since bursting onto the scene in 2008, Chrome has gained momentum to the point where in 2014, it waschrome the king crowned king of the browsers by nudging out Firefox and Internet Explorer in terms of market share.

According to user data from StatCounter, Chrome now has the largest share of users on desktop, mobile and tablet browsers worldwide.

Chrome now rules the global mobile and desktop browser market – but how did it win the game of browser-thrones? Below is an interesting infographic by cloud solutions narrating the story.

The Empire of Chrome

From the Mongol steppes to the African veld; from the Icelandic tundra to the Amazon rainforest – Chrome has conquered the world.

Like mighty Alexander, Chrome has overthrown tech empires and software giants to change the face of the digital landscape.

To collect the data, StatCounter measures internet usage trends – basing their statistics on page views by browser (and not unique visitors). This factors in how frequently browsers are used and also tracks multi-browser usage by individuals.

chrome dominates the browser market


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