Middle East Leaders on Social Media

The leaders in the Middle East have realized that Social Media is one of the potential mediums to reach out to their people. The Arab Spring has resulted in proactive monitoring of Social Networks by the governments.

A few leaders have set up channels to interact with people on these online networks.

Some of the leading personalities in the region are Jordan's Queen Rania, UAE’s Sheikh Mohammed and Qatar’s HH Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser Al Missned and Egypt’s Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mohamed ElBaradei

A graph below details the “Facebook Fan” followings of political personalities in the region: -


Facebook Fans


         965,031 Jordan
         524,638 Egypt
         578,227 UAE
           57,101 Qatar
           30,502 Saudi
           28,127 Oman

Some of the leaders are also active on Twitter, which acts more like an Information Network than a Social Network.


Twitter Followers


       2,062,447 Jordan
         809,575 UAE
         553,233 Egypt

While there is no consensus on the utility of this medium and its impact, one thing is clear: “why” is no longer the question. It’s just “how”.


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