Green as a Service (GaaS) or Green as a Platform (GaaP)

Means to the future driven by memories of a past world so green has led to the current revolution of ‘Green Technologies’. Green initiatives have been taken as a priority in most parts of the world. Innovations have led us to use recycled materials as a replacement for cement concrete to construct footpaths. At present there are subjects offered by universities world over that highlights the importance of a greener approach to every matter at hand. More and more people are switching over to the use of bio-degradable materials. Coincidently, the more environmental-friendly your approach, the more expensive your cost of investment turns out to be. None the less we ought to be proud of any step taken towards the greater good.
QNCC is the world’s-first green-technology venue built to the gold certification of U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED). They use processes that are environmentally responsible by efficient usage of water and energy and reduction in waste, pollution and environment degradation.

Qatar nano – is the first company to offer Self-Cleaning coating which is one of the most exciting environmentally friendly nanotechnologies within the coating sector. It aims at reducing chemicals from cleaning liquids. It contains photocatalyst coating which gets activated by light producing an oxidative effect resulting in the removal of harmful organic chemical substances and bacteria touching the surface.

Vodafone Qatar and Alcatel Lucent launched the first hybrid powered base station in the country adopting the integration of the solar and wind energy thereby increasing coverage of Vodafone within the whole country including places with weak signals.
QAFCO – will soon host the SFP Pilot Plant utilizing seawater to provide cool and humid growing conditions for vegetables with greenhouses which produce freshwater themselves. The greenhouses will be coupled with a state of the art parabolic trough solar collector with a thermal desalination unit supported by PV-technology. The pilot will also allow for cultivation of algae in a system of photo-bioreactors and open pond cultivation systems.
The UAE has around 517 Green buildings awaiting registration with the US Green Buildings Council, followed by 42 in Qatar, 37 in Saudi Arabia, 13 in Oman, seven in Bahrain and three in Kuwait.

There are also many other green initiatives in the rest of the Middle East:

Abu Dhabi has developed the world’s first carbon neutral, zero-waste city called Masdar City; generating energy from sun, wind and recycled waste. No cars will be allowed to enter this city and people will rely on the underground system of personal rapid transit pods. Saudi Arabia is planning to invest US$ 3 billion in solar panel factories, while Qatar’s QSTec will be building a US$ 1 billion solar-grade polysilicon manufacturing facility.

An interesting new invention is the 4 watt wooden Light Bulb which is an LED bulb encased in a super-thin wooden shell that Fukusada created using a traditional Japanese craft technique called Rokuro. The fixture’s incandescent-shaped body is chipped very thin and is highly energy efficient. Since LED’s produce little heat, the risk of fire is minimal. The light bulb produces a soft glowing effect.

What next? A thermal computer could be the way forward. I would personally like to go all green but how much more personalized can green technologies become? I like the concept of the wooden bulb but how about a solar powered bed side lamp to help me read? I wish I knew where and what became of all the recycled cans and mobile phones that I dumped in the recycle bin. That would give me the satisfaction of knowing that I do my bit for a greener society.

Post by - Ankhiya Eapen

Ankhiya Eapen – is an experienced internet marketing professional, social media expert and freelance writer based in Qatar. She develops marketing campaigns from a journalist’s perspective and has keen sense for predicting trends and understanding what drives news. She is passionate about creating genuine content for traditional and new media that will help enrich the lives of readers.

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