How Is Social Media Affecting Employment And Business In The Arab World

A survey conducted by the Governance and Innovation Program of the Dubai School of Government examined the effectiveness of social media in promoting social advancement, job creation and business growth across the Arab region. Data collected from close to 5,000 respondents in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Lebanon, Oman, Egypt and Jordan.

Youth Unemployment

For every adult Middle East North Africa 26.5% 27.9% there are 4 youth in the ME who are umemployed

How can social media help youthenter the workforce?

70% Job Matching 76% Partnership to 75% Channel to Network the virtual job market 84% Upskilling Bridging the gap between youth qualifications and job market demands

How does social mediainfluence the workplace ?

85% More Customer 85% Innovation 78% Trust between satisfaction coworkers 86% Intra-agency 80% Telecom 66% Financial collaboration services of respondents believe that telecom and financial industries are the biggest beneficiaries from social media.

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