Tado – The First Smart Thermostat App

tado ° is the first smart thermostat that automatically adjusts to house residents’ daily routines, like a personal tado appheating assistant. The tado° smartphone app detects when the last resident leaves the house and automatically turns down the heating. As soon as the first person starts heading home, tado° reacts immediately and begins heating up the house so that it’s nice and warm by the time they arrive. Through this automatic heating control, tado° helps its customers to cut their annual heating bill by up to 31 percent.

This week, the Munich-based company tado ° presents its smart heating app for Windows Phone. Now Windows Phone users can also use the tado° Smart Thermostat and accompanying app to easily reduce their heating costs.

When tado ° went to market in 2012 the heating app was initially available for and only. As of today the tado° app is also available for Windows Phone users to download. Particularly in Europe – the core market for the tado° Smart Thermostat – the smartphone operating system from Microsoft is growing increasingly popular. “With the release of Windows Phone 8.1, Microsoft has put an excellent operating system out there. Particularly the location services, which are especially important for the automatic heating control by tado°, work outstandingly,” explains Johannes Schwarz, Founder and CTO of tado°.

“We would like to make our tado° solution available to as many people as possible, allowing them to easily save energy and money while also increasing their comfort at home. That is precisely what we are doing today by expanding to Windows Phone,” adds Christian Deilmann, Founder and CEO of tado°.

“For us, tado° is an extremely promising provider,“ says Peter Jaeger, Senior Director Developer Experience & Evangelism (DX) and Member of the Board at Microsoft Germany. “We are delighted that the smart tado° solution is now also available for Windows Phone. Using the Live Tiles, tado° customers can now even check the status of their smart thermostat instantly, without opening the heating app.“


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