Lebanon To Have Fifth Highest Internet Penetration Rate In The Region

The number of internet users in Lebanon is expected to reach 3.2 million in 2017, according to a study by a Dubai-
logobased market research firm, Madar Research & Development

According to the report, the number of Internet users in Lebanon would account for 4.1% of total Internet users in the Levant region in 2017 relative to a share of 4.6% in 2012, while they would account for 1.6% of total Arab users in 2017 compared to a share of 1.8% in 2012. 
Screen Shot 2014-06-25 at 9.37.08 AMThis is significant given the fact that Lebanon’s population is estimated to be less than 1% of the Arab world.

The number of Interest users in Lebanon would grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10% during the 2012-17 period compared to a CAGR of 12.1% for users in the Levant and a CAGR of 11.2% for Arab users, and relative to a CAGR of 8.5% for users in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.

Lebanon would post the second-slowest CAGR among 18 Arab countries, similar to that of the UAE, Jordan and Morocco, and higher than that of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait (+8% each).

In parallel, the Internet penetration rate in Lebanon, or the number of Internet users to the total population, would reach 69.2% at the end of 2017 compared to a penetration rate of 45.1% at the end of 2012. In comparison, Internet penetration in the Levant would rise to 50% at the end of 2017 from 28.5% at the end of 2012, while that of Arab countries would increase to 51.4% from 31.9% at the end of 2012. Also, Internet penetration in GCC economies would rise to 66.8% at the end of 2017 from 53.6% at the end of 2012.

Lebanon would have the fifth highest penetration rate among Arab countries by 2017, lower than only Bahrain (87.4%), Kuwait (73.7%), Morocco (72.4%) and the UAE (72.2%). In comparison, the Internet penetration rate in Lebanon was the seventh highest among Arab countries in 2012, lower than only Bahrain (65.7%), Kuwait (59.3%), the UAE (57.2%), Qatar (54.9%), Saudi Arabia (53.4%) and Morocco (47.4%).

Lebanon, according to the report, will have the 5th highest numbers of internet users in the Arab world in 2017, coming behind Bahrain (87.4%), Kuwait (73.7%), Morocco (72.4%) and the United Arab Emirates (72.2%).


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