The Curious Case of Telegram Messenger – Iran vs Saudi Arabia
Telegram Messenger is currently the number one IM app in Iran, which has close to 20 million users in the country. With 80% of its user base coming from that country ever since Viber was blocked last year. According to a news agency based in Iran, the Cyber Police Chief of the country is pressing for...

Firewall Glitch Brings Hope For Iranian Internet Users
credit, Barbara Dieu:Creative Commons Internet users in Iran were surprised on Monday to find that they could access Facebook and Twitter without having to evade the government's firewall, which had blocked direct access to the websites for years. Hours later, the same sites Tuesday chewed over the...

Its An Earthquake: Twitter Users Go Frenzy In Dubai
Source: The UAE was among the countries that felt the aftershocks of an earthquake that hit Iran on Tuesday. Tremors were felt across the Gulf, including in Dubai and Doha, and also in New Delhi in India, as the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Iran. According to the US Geological Survey,...

Yahoo leads the email market in Iran (Infographic)
Chimigi, Iran’s first online research panel, has released a selection of highlights from its syndicated study on the latest web trends in Iran. It is the fifth in a series of online studies designed to create greater transparency for both foreign and local companies on the attitudes and behaviours...

What do Iranians think about Global Warming
Chimigi, Iran’s first online research panel, has released a selection of highlights from its syndicated study on global warming and the environment. It is the fourth in a series of online studies designed to create greater transparency for both foreign and local companies on the attitudes and behaviours...

A unique Electronic Business model that worked in Iran
Electronic banking is on the rise in Iran and due to the scarcity of foreign banking technologies in the country, local IT firms have excelled in developing the state of the art electronic banking solutions that exist today in Iran. Several service providers for the payments industry and banking industry...

Over half of Internet users in Iran use Facebook
Chimigi, Iran’s first online research panel, has released a selection of highlights from its syndicated study, Iran Web 2.0. The sample included 2,300 respondents who currently live in Iran and was fielded between October 23rd and 28th 2012. When asked which social media sites they regularly use,...

An Infograph – Travel habits of Iranians
Chimigi, Iran’s first online research panel, has released the results of its syndicated travel & tourism study, The Iranian Traveler, a survey which benchmarks the travel frequency and preferences of religious, leisure and business travelers in Iran. Few highlights of the survey: - Emirates...

Infographic – Digital Stats for IRAN
Chimigi, Iran’s first online research panel, has released the results of Digital Iran 2012, a survey which benchmarks Iranian consumers on their Internet and mobile usage. The sample included 750 respondents who currently live in Iran and was fielded between September 20th and 23rd, 2012. Researching...
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